Here For You In Every Season Of Life

At Faith Promise, the majority of care and ministry happens through Groups. Additionally, we have several ministries to help facilitate care to our congregation and community. Explore this page to find out more, and click the button below to search for a Care Group or another group that fits what you’re looking for.
fpCelebrate is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. fpCelebrate is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that can control our lives. fpCelebrate has worship and groups and meets on Monday nights at the Pellissippi Campus starting at 6:00pm.

How can I take advantage of Faith Promise Counseling Services?
Short-term confidential Christian counseling is for Winning Team members and regular FP attendees 16 and older.
Call the Pelissippi Campus front desk to make an appt. at: 865-251-2590
What is a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers are individuals trained to provide one-to-one care for people experiencing difficult life events, such as grief, divorce, or illness. If you would like to get in contact with a Stephen Minister please email:
Who can come to fpCelebrate?
fpCelebrate is a Christ-centered recovery program for ANYONE needing freedom from hurts, habits, or hang-ups.
fpCelebrate meets every Monday at the Pellissippi Campus for dinner at 6pm, service at 7pm, and small groups at 8pm. Peer Groups include 12 Steps, DivorceCare, and more.
Where can I request in-person prayer from the prayer team?
The Prayer team is available by appointment Monday 6-8:00pm.
Trust us, if you need prayer please don't hesitate.

Stephen Ministry
These provide high-quality, one-to-one, confidential Christ-centered care to people in the Faith Promise congregation and in the community. A national organization, the Stephen Ministry serves 1.5 million people in more than 13,000 churches worldwide.
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