The best moment of your week happens here.

fpStudents aren't just the next generation; they are the NOW generation. Each Wednesday night, middle and high school students get fueled to make an impact on their schools and community. Through teaching that's relevant to Gen Z and Alpha, engaging worship, and real friendship found in groups, fpStudents is building the church of today to transform the world of tomorrow.
Times and Locations
fpStudents happens Wednesday nights - find the campus near you to discover when your life change moment is happening.
What's fpStudents like?
Each Wednesday at Faith Promise, hundreds of students from grades 6th-12th gather at their campus to have fun, get to know each other, and pursue God together. Through community groups, worship, and relevant teaching, students will be challenged to take a step closer to Christ.
How long does it last?
Typically, an fpStudents experience lasts around two hours, with an hour for groups and an hour for the worship experience. However, your student is welcome to stay longer to enjoy the games and hang out with friends. fpStudents are welcome to show up at 6, and we ask you pick them up no later than 9.
What are fpStudent groups?
Groups happen before (for middle school) and after (for high school) the worship experience. In group, students will be challenged to know God and grow in their relationship with him. They will be able to connect with other students and a leader who understands how to relate to students and help them grow.
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